What is ECOtronic?
The generation of current with a conventional petrol generator takes place at a high speed range of 3000 rpm. However, according to experience a generator often runs during use without load. From today’s point of view this leads to wasteful use, such as during work with electric tools on construction sites or in repair or emergency use. In order to meet these requirements, the ECOtronic system was developed
by ENDRESS and is already used today as standard in the DUPLEXplus line.
Here’s how it works:
ECOtronic is an environmentally-friendly alternative to conventional electricity generation. During use, the ECOtronic system recognizes whether an output is being used or not. The speed is significantly reduced if no power is being drawn. This happens automatically and the generator keeps running quietly and economically, however thereby always remains in stand-by. The ECOtronic system immediately provides full
power again without delay only when power output becomes necessary, e.g. when using an electric power tool.
Advantages at a glance:
• Up to 30% less fuel consumption
• A longer engine service life
• Operating costs are lowered
• Reduction of the pollutant emissions
• Significantly reduced noise emissions